built spill tough
Friday night steph & I met up with robert & angie in denver to go see Built to Spill perform at the Ogden. This was my 10th time seeing them, and once again it was a stellar show. Got to hear a couple of tunes I hadn't heard in ages, a brian eno cover, and an epic 'randy' encore. Stephanie was kind enough to get me their new reggae infused 12" (They Got Away b/w Rearrange), and even got it signed by humble ol' Dug after the show. I made a FOB recording but haven't posted it yet. If you're impatient you can grab a copy from the other guy who was there taping or you can wait for mine which should be up by week's end.

In the Morning
Velvet Waltz
The Source
Time Trap
Car (drumless)
Wherever You Go
Third Uncle (brian eno)
Nowhere Nothin' Fuckup
You Were Right
Mess With Time
Carry the Zero
Randy Described Eternity
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