Wednesday, June 06, 2007

not for the faint of heart

I hadn't originally planned to go see the Faint at the Fox, but I had scored some free tix to the second night and was kind of feeling the excitement since both shows had now sold out. Add to that one of the openers was the Berg Sans Nipple who I've been digging on lately. I figured I'd give taping a shot too, but was stifled by band management at the door. No biggie, stephanie was with me so we decided to grab another drink at pete's where we had just eaten dinner to kill some time. What we wound up succeeding in was accidentally killing our timing. The Berg was on the bill for both nights, and the other opener was different each night so my logical assumption was the Berg would play second. Not so - they played first and we completely missed them. I was kind of bummed as we suffered through a horrible set by the Services banging away at a keyboard and one cymbal. By the time the Faint came on, the vibe in the place had gotten to be too much to handle - everyone had all this weird pent up anger or something. There's that old saying, "It only takes one asshole to ruin a good time." Well in this case it was a whole crowd of assholes. For example the guy who was trying to start static with me because he didn't think I should bummed out that I missed the Berg. Ummm, wicky wicky whaaaaat? Or the guy with the Bright Eyes t-shirt and halitosis that started slamming into me once the Faint hit the stage. I could go on, but I will spare you. Indie goth dance punk douche bag fans. The Faint were pretty cool though, they had quite the light show going on and they were all way into their playing, even debuting some new tracks. But the vibe in that place was way too depressing, so we split. You win some you lose some I guess. Come to think of it we really didn't lose anything since it was a freebie.


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