vail chamonix
One of my bosses was kind enough to lend me his condo in vail last weekend. So after class on thursday, me & stpeh hit the road. It was kind of a crap drive, the weather sucked, and visibility was low. It was good that we left late because apparently vail pass was closed for a few hours due to a car driving off of it. It was a pretty cool place - 4 bedrooms, 3 stories, very rustic. Slept in friday and made it on the slopes by 11, rode most of the day in very spring-like conditions. We made the blue sky hike all the way out, and met up with a couple of like-minded guys who hooked me up big time. I ended up way too far down the road at teh bottom and had to do some hiking to get out though. Later we apres skied, then the rest of the crew showed up. Wound up hitting the slopes around the same time on saturday. It snowed heavy off and on all day which made for both low visibility and lots of fresh snow. We packed in som hamburgers with us and grilled them out at the top of blue sky basin. After we all headed back, we hung out at the condo for a while, snacking, drinking, playing cards, ordering pizza. When we ran out of beer, we headed into town to some fun club where we danced for a few hours before calling it a night. On the busride home there was some passed out drunk chick that the driver fooled into getting off at the wrong stop which was pretty funny.

We headed back to boulder early sunday, even though it was one hour later. Put together my new bed, which definitely needs a new larger mattress, went for a run, and did some school work. Yesterday I was at a trade show in denver all day. On the drive home I found out that sean kelley had passed away over the weekend. Luckily stephanie was making dinner for the ladies, so I joined them in my bummed out and somewhat inebriated state. They have some more furntiture now, so we started to watch stranger than fiction but it wasn't very interesting.
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