back catalogue
Lately I've been busy filling up the gaps in my collection as well as deleting or storing the tons of new music I sift through each week, and have been somewhat neglectful in grabbing every bit of new music to review. However I do have a couple for you at least:
mika - Life in a Cartoon Motion: Peter bjorn & john dancing with the teddy bears at a scissor sisters concert. Insanely catchy. You may have heard one of the songs in a television advert for a phone or something.
rapture - Pieces of the People we Love: Much in the same way that the most recent !!! album is less pretentiously accessable, so too is the latest offering from the Rapture who presumably find themselves snorting less cocaine, or at least keeping the more aggro elements of their previous work to a minimum. They also find themselves in the opening slot of daft punk's brief jaunt through north america this summer.
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