week l o n g
This past week has been fairly nonstop. Took a breather from schoolwork at the pool this afternoon (class started up again on wednesday). So let's see, where did we leave off? I think I'll start with last friday, the morning of joe B's arrival from nyc. On the way back from the airport we hit up some lunch on the hill, then picked up some of the last minute items for our camping trip. Dylan and adam convened at my place, and once jacq arrived we all headed to denver to pick up angie on route to guenella pass, where robert was waiting at the campsite he had scooped up before the memorial day rush. He scored a sweet spot by the river and had set up a pretty swank area by the time we arrived. We were straight up car camping this one - coolers, lanterns, hammocks, boom box, a pop-up, etc. The usual campout shenanigans ensued for the next two days - plenty of food, beers, hikes, horseshoes, cards, a soundclash, and so on.

We headed back to civilization early sunday. That afternoon, joe and I hit up pearl street, which was much abuzz with bolder boulder related events. After a rooftop bacaro session, we had hoped to catch the season finale of the sopranos. Much to our chagrin, memorial day weekend was reserved for reruns, so we headed to hapa for a fine sushi dinner. Monday we checked out the bodyworlds exhibit in denver, wishing we had that frisbee from camping since we got there too early. Had lunch in cherry creek, shopped a bit, then met up with devin, kim, eric, and gloria at the new lola's location in lohi (for real - lower highlands). It was $2 taco / $1.50 modelo night. We made it home for close to six hours, and it served as a fine final event before we parted ways at DIA. It was great to see joe again!
Kicked myself for missing the ILYBICD show at the hi-dive with kevin on tuesday. I was "BEING RESPONSIBLE" since class started the next day and we already had an assignment due. For everyone I complete, there's another one to do...

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