It all began with with a 5 year plan. That is, I saw stereolab once in 1996 at the old cotton club, then reprised that event with a furiously maniacle event at the variety in 2001. I decided to create a pattern out of chaos and check out some post-mary monolab at the gothic in '06. I tried rustling up some of my denver pals to come along, to no avail. But no worries, I figured I'd run tape and meet some new folks to pal around with at the show. While having some brews nearby the venue with robert & angie, I receivd a devastating phone call from Mike B informing me that he was just turned away with his gear. Shocking, it was as if he'd been turned away at a frickin' dead show. As anyone who heard my pull from the variety can attest, they are a great live band and have always been taper friendly. Oh well, it allowed me to have another beer with my buds before heading over to the show.

I had to try, and I actually got through the door with my rig, but was then 'told no' by venue staff once inside. Whatever, me & mike bitched and moaned for a bit before chalking it up to 'one of those things' during the opener, hot chip, who I had previously thought was kind of clever in the studio. They really sucked live, and I thought it funny that their name is synonymous with a fresh doo.

The fun thing about not taping is you can go close up to the performance. The steree-eree-o put on a good show, but I definitely missed the guitary wall of sound influence that mary had on the overall sound. Not to say that the countless moogs and brass instruments did not provide nice flourishes, but hey I prefer what I prefer. Despit my dick ebersol-isms, I rather enjoyed the evening.
-mr. modular-
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