something in the air
On friday, abra was my brave companion for the first of built to spill's two night stint at the Gothic, sight unseesn (or sound unheard I guess would make more sense here). We had a great dinner on the way into town, where we then picked up the Cheeseman crew and away we headed to Englewood. The show was fantastic - the triple guitar threat was back in play from their spring tour, and they squeezed out a newbie as well as a few oldies I'd never heard them play before, and they debuted a sick new cover of the beatles classic, 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'. Unfortunately I had some tape mishaps later in the night, and lost the entire night's recording (insert boo face here).

-friday setlist-
{new song #1 - dark & heavy like the evildoers almost}
center of the universe
time trap
you were right
made up dreams
distopian dream girl
some things last a long time
don't try
I would hurt a fly
virginia real around the fountain (halo benders)
in your mind
while my guitar gently weeps
Saturday we cooked out at the Cheeseman apts before the show. Our plan we had made the night before to have fun with Mike Johnson t-shirts came into fruition, and the second night's tape came out wonderfully.

It appeared as if the band took care of some long overdue shopping that day. These were the first two shows of the tour, so they likely had some fresh cash burning a hole in their pockets. Doug was wearing a new t-shirt (the past several times I've seen them, he's always had on this busted ol' black one). Brett Netson even shaved and bought a new strat. After the show, one of the barbacks approached me and said he was patched out of the board both nights, so with any luck we'll be hearing those reels pretty soon too.

-saturday setlist-
Get A Life
In The Morning
Carry The Zero
Velvet Waltz
In Your Mind
Distopian Dream Girl
Made-Up Dreams
Big Dipper
Time Trap
Stop The Show
-new tune #2 (had a cool reggae vibe)-
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Post show, I was forced to tack onto the tail end of 'girls night out' due to a lack of domestic bliss amongst some of the passengers in my car. So I wound up in LoDo right when the bars closed but just in time to drive the ladies (and derrick, who also wound up at 'girls night') to some {non}after party, in so much as there was no one there except the guy throwing it. After a speedy exit, we ended up back at jenn's for a few more hours of raucous behavior.
-thrilled until-
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