labor day weekend
Labor day weekend was non-stop. The festivities began saturday morning in our new tailgate spot smack dab next to Folsom Field. Although it was hopping, it was tight quarters. The heat was brutal, and beating down on us for most all of the game. Those who were brazen enough to return for the second half witnessed a near win by CU over their in state rivals CSU (31-28), and the fans obligatory rushing of the field. Post game, the lot cleared out a bit so we had some breathing room to wind down and diseminate the random bike crashes and ill-fated liquor store runs that occurred with all those who stayed outside after the half. Hit the hay early to get a jump on our camping excursion the next morning.

For this outing, it was back to Rollins Pass, hoping this time to get to our spot near the top. We were snowed out over the 4th of July, so we were quite pleased when we were successful in our quest. Set up camp in a jif, then began our 2 1/2 hour climb along the ridge.

Once we were through with our trek, we settled down to our campfire. Made some great food, played cards, pretended that we didn't forget smores, and proceeded with general silliness well into the very clear & windless night.

We even caught a couple of shooting stars before setting derrick on fire.

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