I'm currently recovering from a lame flu-like illness that I no doubt incurred over my busy t-day weekend which started with a casual night on wednesday. Up bright and early thursday morning for a hike up in north boulder. Post hike, stephanie prepared some foodstuffs while joaquin and andy dropped by. Then we all headed over to Hillside for the big feast. Afterwards, steph & I headed back into boulder to sync up at jeff & jen's place for a gathering which culminated in a lot of way drunk folk. Stayed out a bit later than would have been ideal, since we had to get up and meet everyone for a tailgate at 8am the next morning.
Somehow stephanie got up at 5 or something crazy to get a 'black friday' gift for her sister, but morning still came too soon for me. We grabbed some breakfast burritos at santiago's then headed over to the tailgate spot. Kickoff was at 10am against Nebraska, and it was freezing, overcast, and snowy. No worries, we made up some hot toddies inside and watched CU come away with a 65-51 victory. Took it easy that night until I discovered that my garbage disposal had a major leak, and there was a huge puddle of sludge under the sink. I guess I only got worked up for a minute until I decided to go back to taking it easy by going to bed. Saturday morning I went garbage disposal shopping with paul, and now I'm the proud owner of a spiffy new 3/4 horsepower Badger. Later on jacq & dylan came by for a pizza party at my place. Then it was off to the Larimer Lounge to go check out The Bronz. I rolled tape for the guys, as well as somehow fell off an amp I probably shouldn't have been standing on top of anyway. Note to self - no climbing on things. Woke up sunday and that's when the sickness hit. As miserable as I felt, we were all meeting up at 2pm to see the Nutcracker on campus with lauren & renn, so I toughed it out, then called it a night. And monday was a sick day.

I got sick over the turkey weekend myself, not a good way to spend 4 days off work. Any luck getting into the waffle?
Not yet, but I hear it's about equivalent to what so far.
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