fiesta de montreal
The first major snow fall with accumulation occurred last night, and it got chilly, quite the opposite of last weekend's temperateness which started friday when Stephanie whipped up a mexican fiesta for dinner and we watched Planet Terror which didn't quite hold my interest as much as the other Grindhouse movie, Deathproof. Saturday morning we went to pawn shops in Longmont for the hell of it. The combination of pawn shops, Longmont, and an overcast day were getting depressing, so We headed back to my place for some lunch before heading to denver that night. We had dinner at Los Margaritas, home of the big ass margarita.

Then we walked over to the Ogden to check out the Of Montreal show. Got into the venue and set up my gear. Then settled back for the opening acts. The first was called Mgmt, and were pretty decent - kind of neopsychedalia. Next up was Grand Buffet - a couple of white boy comedic rapper hacks who would have been better off working as roadies. Their only redeeming quality was that their lack of instruments to be cleared offstage made for a quick set break at least. During this time the tour manager informed me that they hadn't been allowing any taping on this tour since they were making a dvdtron. Tonight however, they were not, so I was in the clear. Once they hit the stage, they had quite the elaborate set-up, with multi-level light up risers and 3 large video screens. They played about an hour's worth of material from their last three albums, then broke into a 50 minute or so epic jam. I haven't hashed out the setlist yet, and won't be posting the show (per request). So if you do want a copy, let me know.

Post show we headed to joaquin's for a ragin' house party. We showed up just in time to see jacq go to sleep and for The Bronz to take the stage (well, living room). Plenty of cheap beer kept the party rocking til the wee hours when we took up overnight residence.
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