chicago friday
Miscalculated the whole 'security' checkpoint time frame at the airport and was a bit rushed getting on board our flight, but steph & I made it to chicago. We took the train to our downtown hotey right by grant park. We had some lunch at a diner type place next to the hotel before walking to the art museum. Our concierge was hard to understand so we kind of headed off in the wrong direction. On our wrong way journey we bumped into kim gordon, lee renaldo, and mark ibold outside of the hilton, which was pretty neat. I told them I enjoyed their music and was looking forward to their set tonight. Made it to the museum and covered pretty much the whole thing making sure to check out la grande jatte by Seurat (as featured in ferris bueller, and recently parodied in family guy). Outside the museum, mike picked us up and we headed to his place in ukranian village for some burgs & brews. Wink joined us, and had us in stitches with his off the cuff remark about a GILF. After dinner, they dropped us off at Union Park on their way to play cards. Day 1 of the Pitchfork Music Festival was underway. We showed up in time for tonight's headliner, the previously bumped into Sonic Youth, who performed Daydream Nation in its entirety, followed by a 3 song encore of tunes from Rather Ripped. Spot on performance. The subway was mobbed after the show, and we wound up walking around the loop a bit trying to avoid the crowd.

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