ol' fezziwig griswald vacation
Old man winter provided us with plenty of snow for our family retreat to breckenridge. Took the day off friday and rode keystone before heading to the condo. It snowed all day, and the 36 hours of skiing competition was going on - fun stuff. The rest of the gang joined us that night, and after a brief galavant through the village we cashed out. The sun was peeking out saturday morning, and stephanie & devin met up with us at breck. The boys & girls parted ways, and we got a solid morning in. I haven't road breck in years, so it was cool to explore new territory again. After lunch the weather took a turn, and there were white-out conditions the rest of the afternoon, but we rode on anyway, exploring the terrain under the 'highest chair lift in north america' on Peak 7. Apres ski we had apres ski at the condo and then dinner at mi casa downtown. Lauren and I got in a fight then went to bed, par for the course. Returned sunday, and I knocked off my portion of a team project for class. Had class last night, got an 'A' on my first paper, then watched 'heroes' on the vcrtron when I got home.

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