this & that
This one of those weekends where I didn't really have any locked down plans heading into it, but looking back, wound up doing a ton of stuff during it.
After work friday I went straight to the Barrell House to catch the last of 3 red sox/yankees games that would pretty much decide who's going to win the AL east & who was going to get the wild card. I figured by going to a sports bar, I could watch the red sox game, and the white sox/indians game, which was crucial in the whole wild card equation. I even drank Sam Adams to be patriotic. The red sox won and I called it a night.
Saturday morning tickets went on sale for the 3rd Ween show in Boulder, this time at the Fox. The two shows at the Boulder Theater sold out in mere minutes (capacity is just under 1000). I was able to score tix online for both nights. I figured I could do the same for the Fox show, but after 15 minutes of not being able to connect to the site I freaked, hopped in my car and sped down to the hill to stand in a line that went down the block. Luckily, there was only one person working the ticket window, and he wasn't planning on fixing the server until he dealt with everyone in line first. It took about an hour and a half to get ticket numbers 245&246, then another 1/2 hour to stand in line again to get tickets 310&311. Luckily/randomly Stephanie Miller wound up in line behind me, so I had someone to pass the time with, besides a bunch of rabid ween fans.

Later on I fell asleep watching the red sox lose, then headed to denver to check out the Great American Beer Festival, which by the time robert & I showed up was completely sold out. This kind of threw a wrench in our works until we drank a pitcher of blue margarita and headed off to see The Rosebuds show. I dig their latest cd, but it didn't translate that well live, so we ditched after a while and ended up playing some board games.
Sunday, I watched the red sox win and the indians lose (once again we have successfully scrapped our way into the post season!) before heading to the movies with Meg to catch Flight Plan, which was actually a pretty good flick even though it was our second choice. We were originally going to see Proof, but somehow that theatre had flooded and was not operational.
For the 'regular' season anyway...
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