Gotta play a little catch-up here. Pulled a 1/2 day friday, so I could help work the floor for Third Street at Nascore. Had dinner in denver afterwards, and did some front porch lounging at angie's apartments/dorms well into the night. Worked the show with doug & jewels again on saturday, then headed to broomfield for abra's bbq/game night, where the guys clearly dominated play despite noble efforts from the ladies crew. Opted out of nascore duties on sunday since john had returned from vietnam, and spent most of the day sleeping/watching football (go pats!).
Last night, headed back to denver with lauren to catch the franz ferdinand show at the fillmore. They played a solid set of mostly material from the first album along with some of the newer tunes. Had the good fortune of shooting some pool at the atomic with devin & kim beforehand. It was great to see devin again - good times will most certainly be had.

And leading into this weekend, could the AL East penant race be any more GD stressful? I think not...
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