moonspeed alpha basin
Friday we headed into denver right after work and had dinner at the Hornet. We were a bit early for the Moonspeed show across the street at the Hi-Dive, but we went in anyway since we didn't have anything to do. We both wound up passing out on the couch in the back at different times, before Moonspeed finally hit the stage at 11.30 or su'in ridiculous. Great set despite the long wait - seriously it said doors at 8...
Saturday steph had a run, while I conquered the Temple of Time. When she got back, I went for a quick jog in the snow, watched some olympics then my parents took us to a nice celebratory dinner at Brasserie Ten Ten.
Sunday we got nice and early and headed to A-Basin with Paul and met up with the Boulder car over breakfast at the lodge. Light snow all day. I took out my old board again since the Basin had not gotten much snow lately, and wound up snapping the toe strap on my rear binding early in the day. You can kind of see it flapping around below:

The whole gang:

Aprés ski, we headed to Southern Sun to finish up stout month, which was all fine and dandy until the burnout waitstaff overcharged us $25 for beers, but none of them could decipher the bill. Later we watched the closing ceremonies with great appearances by Bill Shatner and inflatable beavers.
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