week at a glance (updated)
Went and saw Tapes n' Tapes last wednesday at the bluebird. I was always on the fence about these guys. Their cd was decent but I always forgot who I was listening to, as they sound like a lot of other bands - the Archie Bronson Outfit & Modest Mouse both come to mind. They sold me with the live show, very energetic and it kind of helped putting a face to the music. Half the set was comprised of brand new material and they played my fave, 'insitor'.

Friday was graduation for the CU kiddies, and pearl street was mobbed. We grabbed some dinner at chipotle after I got a run in. Called it an early night. The next morning I met up with j&d to help jean move out of her pad in denver. We had lunch at a well known cougar den and even spotted one in heat (pix coming soon - they are WAY too funny). Headed back to the evergreens and caught a really funny SNL with molly shannon as the host, then headed to the dark horse to catch joaquin's new band, the bronz, tear it up. I'd never been there before and they have some really crazy stuff going on in regards to decoration, all very layered. As promised, here's the pic:

Up bright and early for a mother's day hike with the fam to brainard lake. We always have some sort of adverse weather impeding our hikes there, but we made it this time, only having to deal with several feet of snow covering most of the road. Nothing we could hike right on over though. After our hike we headed back to hillside for a bbq which included a haphazard badminton game with a garden hose for a net, and a squash & tennis racket rounding out the other 2 raquets.
Monday's bike ride was thwarted due to a major hailstorm. Last night steph & I headed to red rocks to see bjork perfom. The weather behaved and although overcast all day, we did not get rained on. Joanna Newsom, a harpist channeling a bard from D&D opened the show. The stage was all done up with flags and everything was very vibrantly colored. The back up musicians included an all female ten piece brass band dressed in different neon colored jumpers with a hula hoop inside and a flag attahced to their backs making them look like oompa loompas, a keyboardist, the electonic duo matmos, and the lengendary mark bell of LFO fame. There were also three larage lcd monitors position on stage in front of each of the electronic musicians gear which displayed their knob twiddling - a nice effect I must say. Curious instrument/computer device of the night was the round trampoline/drum looking touch screen that had controls that seemed to emmulate what video pool looks like. It seemed as if it was used to manipulate & trigger drum loops. Overall it was a great performance, a bit livelier than her last red rocks appearaance which featured a string ensemble as opposed to the more upbeat brass section. The newer material was also more effective in this setting. Here's the setlist and some grainy camera phone shots from our 16th row seats:
Earth Intruders
Venus As A Boy
Dull Flame Of Desire
All Is Full Of Love
Pleasure Is All Mine
I Miss You
Army Of Me
5 Years
Declare Independence

heres the linky for info about that that -thing- that was at the bjork show:
Yep - that's it allright. Here's a demo vid: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0h-RhyopUmc
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