sounds of saturday
Several events coincided on saturday - Jacq's birthday, the Moby show, and lots of snow. Ater a false positive OC game friday (we didn't realize the prez pre-empted our beloved game show the night before), we were raring to go saturday evening. University Hill was homebase, as we gathered for food & drink at the Sink. After dining with steph, sonja & bill, the rest of us (michelle, nathan, jacq, dylan, jen, & yours truly) walked uphill the one block to the Fox for the way sold out moby show (fire code capacity: 625).
Once inside, we parked ourselves up front (because, hey why not) and took in the house sounds of the opener, dj harry, probably best known for his SCI remixes. It's always good to hear house music, especially in a town generally deprived of 4/4's, due in part to night spots catering to college kids' horrifying taste in what they think is enjoyable dance music (I'll save this rant for some other time, though). Mid set, dj harry mixed out of vinyl into his own live band in which he played guitron, longside the adorable vocalist, lissie, who shouldn't wear a mumu.
After a bass heavy, stomach churner ambient intro, moby & band (a drummer, a guitarist/bassit, and the go-go dress & boots clad Lucy Butler on tritons & vox) blitzed through the first several tracks before moby took a timeout to thank david bowie as the inspiration to 'spiders'. The set & performances were solid all around, lucy sang all the female vocal parts quite beautifully while moby raged out on his black epiphone SG, and occasionly the bongos for the classics, 'go', 'next is the e', and 'feeling so real', the latter of which we were informed was inspired by one particular sunrise at an outdoor rave (of course it was). Easily one of the best shows I've seen this year, very enjoyable energy level. Here is the 98% accurate setlist:
(intro) my weakness
find my baby
extreme ways
raining again
natural blues
where you end
new dawn fades (joy division)
next is the e!
dream about me
we are all made of stars
slipping away
"bossanova/lounge singer medley" (creep, we're not going to take it, freebird)
lift me up
walk on the wild side (lou reed)
feeling so real
{john cale's '2:38 of silence' and about a minute of metallica's 'battery' were also covered at some point during the show along with a bluesy harmonica jam, however their precise placement eludes me}
another camera phone masterpiece:

-nephew now-
About time...good pic-snatch, though. Now I don't sound like a complete wanker to all six people I actually told to check your blog for details.
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