dead pool
Coming soon:
gorillaz - Demon Days: Perhaps the two best gorillaz songs were the bonus remixes of "clint eastwood" and "19-2000" included at the end of their self-titled debut. This album has a lot of songs that sound similar to the first disc, in fact the first single is named "dirty harry". I'm curious as to what the remixes, if any, sound like...

tarwater - The Needle Was Traveling: Kind of nifty indie-electronic stuff w/ some male vox on some tracks. The name of the band aptly descibes the music.
eels - Blinking Light & Other Revelations: Two discs from the eels that do nothing to change the "beck impersonator" tag I gave them for their last effort. Quirky, bluesy stuff.
belle & sebastian - Push Barman to Open Old Wounds: They need to make t-shirts that say "twee as fuck". You see, then you could wear one on the way to the record store when you go to buy this double disc collection of their seven Jeepster E.P.'s, all or some of which you undoubtedly already own.

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