style eyes
The final brick seems to have been placed in the tomb wall of analog recording. Quantegy, the last remaining production facilty of professional reel to reel analog audio tape filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy sending tape heads scrambling to buy up any remaing reels they could find. The last European manufacturer of 2" tape, BASF, stopped production in 2002. All may not be lost if Quantegy can muster up the $11 million it will need to restructure & keep afloat. Does anyone remember AAA & AAD?
North Korean men will no longer have to worry about lengthy hairstyles anymore. Kim Jong-il, the 5'3" dictator who has been known to wield a popadorian-type doo himself to appear taller, has ruled that hair be no more than 2 inches in length, or slightly longer if you are going the comb-over route. KJ-i believes long hair hinders bodily nutrition and intelligence. Oh yeah, and it's recently been discovered that North Korea may have sold processed uranium to Libya.
Trainwreck of the week award - Keira Knightley for living in the 80's. I'll bet the North Korean men have it more together than this:

-double naught, neph-
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